Maple Bacon Smoked Coffee…yeah we went there.

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012 by

It’s island time!

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012 by

Spring Flavors are here!

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012 by


Spring into Iced Coffee

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012 by

it’s never too early for iced coffee!  Obviously the summer months are the best time to enjoy a nice big glass of iced coffee but we’ve started the party early here in Jersey.  Gorgeous weather this past weekend and forecasts of 80 degrees have us stocking up on ice.  So far we’ve made a nice pitcher of our Iced Coffee Blend and a second pitcher of Dark Costa Rican Tarrazu.

What’s your favorite coffee to drink iced?  Most people prefer dark roast coffees – they tend to hold their flavor longer as the ice melts.  Lighter roasts and flavored coffees can be delicious ice cold as well, but it helps to brew the coffee stronger than usual.  Another trick is to fill ice cube trays with coffee instead of water.

Feel free to comment on what coffees you love iced or any tricks you have for making that perfect batch of cool, refreshing iced coffee.  Anyone use CBD coffee for iced lattes and cappuccinos?

Inspiration comes from the strangest places

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012 by

You may be wondering what Mad Marchness flavored coffee tastes like.  Names like French Vanilla and Hawaiian Hazelnut are easy.  Even coffees like Jamaican Me Crazy and Vermont Maple Crunch are fairly easy to infer what they taste like.  But what the heck does Mad Marchness taste like?

For that answer we need to take a trip… to the bar.

For many people, St. Patrick’s Day is equated with drinking.  While I am not Irish, I will admit that going to the bar after the parade was my favorite part of the holiday after I turned 21.  For me, it just wasn’t a successful St. Patrick’s Day without drinking at least one Irish Car Bomb.  What is an Irish Car Bomb?  It’s a beer cocktail of immense magnitude.  My dad refers to the drink as a boilermaker — dropping a shot of liquor into a beer.  What distinguishes an Irish Car Bomb are the ingredients:  You start with a shot glass of Irish Cream (usually Bailey’s brand)  with a layer of  Irish Whiskey floating across the top (typically Jameson Irish Whiskey but it’s your choice  — I know better than to argue with someone over which Irish Whiskey is best).  Next you drop the shot glass into a nice big glass of Guinness Stout and drink it “bomb” style… that means chugging it as fast as you can.

Mad Marchness is a wicked little combination of Chocolate Stout flavor, Irish Cream flavor and yes, Whiskey flavor.  It won’t get you drunk, but it also won’t leave you hung over.  When we first tested our coffee version of an Irish Car Bomb we were very surprised at how well chocolate, liqueur, and whiskey flavors complimented coffee.  Even people who never had the alcoholic beverage still enjoyed their Mad Marchness.  Who would have thought that a popular bar drink would make for such a popular coffee?  Especially a bar drink that is so intensely delicious at night then immensely regrettable the next morning.  Mad Marchness has become so popular we had to also offer it as a tea.

Try Mad Marchness soon, it will soon disappear from the website again until next year.  Just remember, if you’re going to drink it “bomb style” let it cool first.  Chugging scalding hot coffee is NOT recommended.