November 14th, 2008 by CBD
Our November 2008 Roaster’s Blend is now available. It is a well- balanced light roast coffee that was quite a hit with our staff.
All 1 lb coffee bags and 5oz teas are now available in optional Holiday Gift Packs. Each coffee gift box contains a 1 pound bag of coffee, a bag of chocolate covered espresso beans, and a ceramic coffee mug. The tea boxes include a 5oz bag of tea, a box of t-sacs, and a mug. Simply select the “gift box” option at each 1lb coffee listing on our website. Tea boxes can be selected on all of our normal tea listings.
As we speed into the Holiday 2008 season, we have rolled out a gift section on our website suggesting popular gift ideas.
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October 7th, 2008 by CBD
The October 2008 Roaster’s Blend is now available. This complex coffee blend features not only several different South American beans, but also contrasting roast levels.
Our Fall Coffee Flavors are also online now. Because time flies, expect Holiday flavors to be here by the end of October. Email us if you have any suggestions for this years Holiday flavors.
Due to favorable market conditions, we are able to lower our prices of all unroasted green coffee. Remember that we offer volume discounts on unroasted coffee orders over 200lbs. Call for details.
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September 9th, 2008 by CBD
Our September 2008 Roaster’s Blend is here! This blend uses two different South American coffees roasted to a French roast level. The result is a smoother body than our regular French Roast coffees.
We are continuing to offer several previous month’s flavors, with the new addition of Cinnamon. All monthly flavors are available in regular and decaf.
September specials will be available until the 30th. Our Fall/Holiday coffee flavors are coming very soon (late September, early October).
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August 26th, 2008 by CBD
Due to the great response we received with our Smoked Coffee Beans, we are able to justify larger batches. This means we can lower our prices on this one-of-a- kind coffee.
Our August Roaster’s Blend and flavors will be discontinued next week.
Remember that we will be closed Monday, September 1 for Labor Day. UPS is not making any deliveries on Monday. All orders placed over the weekend will begin shipping on Tuesday. If you need coffee/tea next week, we recommend placing your order as soon as possible this week.
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August 19th, 2008 by CBD

Organic Fair Trade Ethiopian Yirgacheffe. This has always been one of our most popular Organic/Fair Trade coffees. We also have a dark roast variety.
Our Smoked Coffee has been a huge success, and we are getting great feedback from everyone who has tried it. Due to this positive response, we are making this unique bean a permanent addition to our lineup.
Remember that our August flavors and Roasters Blend will be available until the end of Labor Day weekend.
On that note, remember that we will be closed Monday, September 1 for Labor Day. All orders placed over the long weekend will begin shipping on Tuesday, September 2.
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