Happy Birthday CBD!

June 11th, 2009 by

As some of you may know Coffee Bean Direct is now five-years-old. This past Friday we celebrated our observed start-up date; no one really knows the exact date of CBD’s start. Legend has it that in late April of 2004 CBD launched its first site, which only offered coffee in 25lb bags (Could you imagine a Coffee Bean Direct without 1lb, 5lb and burlap bags… scary!). Shortly after that the site was taken down for a couple weeks for “retooling.” The Site re-launched June 7th 2004, a date that to this day remains our observed birthday! So, happy birthday Coffee Bean Direct, we are looking forward to many more!

I hope you enjoyed that brief trip down memory lane… keep your eye out for our “next generation” CBD website, which is due in 6-8 months!
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Birthday Brownies!

June 10th, 2009 by

Today is Anthony’s birthday! In honor of his birthday i baked him brownies. Why? Because he likes them! This also marks my first ever blog post on CBD!

I have incorporated coffee into the recipe because if some of you do not know…

Coffee + Chocolate = Good idea!
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Welcome to Our New Blog

June 2nd, 2009 by

Happy Birthday Coffee Bean DirectWelcome to the new and improved Coffee Bean Direct Blog! In honor of our 5th Birthday we are rolling out a new look and taking our blog in new and exciting directions. One thing we have noticed over the years is that everyone has questions about coffee and how we roast it…so from now on consider  this the spot for satisfying all of your coffee knowledge questions! We want to give you a glimpse into the where, how, and whys of the coffee business with entertaining information and interesting facts. Read the rest of this entry »

Updates- New Coffees

February 17th, 2009 by

Coffee Bean Direct is now roasting Puerto Rican Hacienda Monte Alto. It is a very high-quality estate coffee that we are roasting light to preserve its excellent flavor characteristics. Also available in 1lb bags.

We are getting a tremendous response for our Acai Wulong Tea. This flavored tea uses wulong tea leaves as its base and we add real acai berry and flavoring.

Finally, we have secured another supply of Colombian Mesa De Los Santos coffee. We are currently roasting this coffee as a City Roast and a Dark (french) Roast.

February Valentine coffee flavors are now online. Additional flavors are available in 1lb bags. You can also get a special Valentines Day Coffee Sampler containing even more unique flavors.

New Coffees & Teas

January 20th, 2009 by

We finally have a new supply of CO2 Decaf Organic Fair Trade Colombian Sierra Nevada and CO2 Decaf Organic Fair Trade Sumatra Mandheling. These are very popular OFT Decaf coffees that tend to sell out quickly.

In addition, we have added several new CO2 Decaf black teas: Spiced Chai, Mango, Orange & Spice, Passion Fruit, and Peach. Due to popular request, we are now offering a Lemon flavored tea (also in decaf).

Remember that our New Year’s Blend and Monthly Flavors will be available only until January 31.

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