The ekobrew Bundles are here!

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012 by

Ekobrew and Coffee Bundles

You may have noticed that we’re getting a little obsessed with our Ekobrew Reusable Filters for Keurig Single Cup Brewers. We blog about them, Facebook about them, and spotlight them in almost every newsletter with no sign of stopping anytime soon. That’s because the response to these nifty, cost effective, and environmentally friendly filters has been overwhelming! To keep the pace going strong, we have decided to add product bundles to the website; Ekobrew filter and coffee combos that will save you money and help you decide which varieties of coffee to use in your Keurig machine.

We looked closely at what coffee varieties our fans have been ordering when they buy their Ekobrew filters. We used this information to hand pick coffee for the best bundles possible. After much deliberation we settled on 3 unique bundles:

Ekobrew Bundle #1 – Flavor:

1 lb Hazelnut flavored coffee

1 lb Jamaican Me Crazy flavored coffee

1 Ekobrew Reusable Filter

Hazelnut and Jamaican Me Crazy are our 2 most popular flavors. They are sure to please any fan of flavored coffee. Can’t decide which one to try first? Using your Ekobrew in your Keurig brewer is so easy you can treat yourself to a cup of both.


Ekobrew Bundle #2 – Greatest Hits:

1 lb Italian Roast Espresso coffee

1 lb Colombian Supremo coffee

1 Ekobrew Reusable Filter

Many households are split when it comes to coffee preferences: Dark, rich coffees versus lighter roasted coffees with more subtle flavors. No more arguing over which coffee to make a full pot of every morning. Our Greatest Hits bundle matches the Ekobrew filter with a pair of our most popular dark and light roast.


Ekobrew Bundle #3 – Double Bundle:

1 lb French Roast coffee

1 lb Breakfast Blend coffee

2 Ekobrew Reusable Filters

We were surprised at how many of our fans have been buying more than one Ekobrew Reusable filter at a time. It makes sense when you think about it though… People love their Keurigs because they are quick and convenient. With two Ekobrews, you can have your next cup ready for brewing before your first one is even finished. The Double Bundle comes with French Roast and Breakfast Blend, 2 extremely popular blends that are sure to please any palate.

Whether you are buying them as a gift or for yourself, we are sure you will love all 3 bundles. As always, we love comments and feedback. Feel free to comment on other products you would like bundled with your Ekobrew filter. Maybe a 3-pack? How about one of our popular sampler packs with an Ekobrew? You tell us.


Coffee vs Pain

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 by

Hello Everybody!

So, I was trolling the interwebs for coffee news again and I found a gem! I came across an article that suggested that coffee can reduce the muscle pain associated with work outs… what?! That’s awesome… oh wait does this mean I have no excuse for not working out?

Smoked Coffee

Thursday, July 9th, 2009 by

Hi everybody

I just wanted to take a few minutes to let everyone know that we have just received our latest batch of smoked coffee! We start with a custom blend of our wonderful beans, send them out to our smoke house then, when they return, we bag and ship them. After the pain staking task of getting the smoked taste just right (we had to try some gross versions before we got it where it needs to be), it’s actually a perfect blend of smokiness and coffee type goodness.


Tuesday, July 7th, 2009 by

I feel like fiber is everywhere now! Activia with fiber, Fiber Plus Bars, Smart Taste (white pasta enriched with fiber and calcium) and the list goes on and on! Every time I turn on the TV there is another commercial driving the point home that fiber is completely awesome and we need to jump on the band wagon… that is if you want to keep your digestive track happy!