Fair Trade Month

Thursday, October 1st, 2009 by

Happy Fair Trade Month Everybody!

“For Millions of farmers around the World, Fair Trade means thriving communities, kids in school and a healthy environment. For consumers, it means great taste and a responsible purchase. By participating in Fair Trade, you support the farmers who deliver quality coffee, tea, cocoa and fresh fruit to you.

Fair Trade Certified products are grown by artisan farmers around the world with a tradition of excellence going back generations. Choosing Fair Trade enables these farmers to continue giving their crops the care that produces quality, even during times of market volatility.”

Happy National Coffee Day!

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009 by

Today, September 29th, is National Coffee Day! Who knew? I know I didn’t. This calls for a celebration!

Coffee/Tea Cup Cozy

Friday, September 25th, 2009 by

Hey Everyone!

Look at these cute coffee/tea cup cozies I found online! Each cozy is hand knitted using ego friendly yarn and fastens with a cute hand-carved wooden button. It’s a really neat way to keep your coffee/tea warm and your hands cool.

Coffee vs Pain

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 by

Hello Everybody!

So, I was trolling the interwebs for coffee news again and I found a gem! I came across an article that suggested that coffee can reduce the muscle pain associated with work outs… what?! That’s awesome… oh wait does this mean I have no excuse for not working out?

It Costs How Much?!?!

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 by

There has been some curiosity amongst our readers (with me as well) as to why coffee like Jamaican Blue Mountain and Kona are so pricey. Is it the taste? Is it the location? Is it the availability? So, in response to these burning questions I did a little research to find some answers… I hope this suffices!